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Endorsement Policy

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The UTRCC Constitution will have the latest changes: Here

• The UTRCC can endorse candidates for office. Endorsements may include any elected office that represents any part of Union Township.
• Candidates who are pursing endorsement by the Union Township Republican Party shall notify the Chairman of their request for endorsement in writing via hardcopy or email and at least 7 days in advance of any meeting at which endorsements are to be considered.
• The chairman shall call a special meeting for the consideration of endorsements, in accordance with Article 3 of the UTRCC Constitution, to take place no earlier than 7 days after the petition filing deadline when the chairman has received a request for endorsement.
• In any special meeting considering endorsements, the UTRCC shall first vote on whether to endorse for the given race for elected office or issue.
• Should the UTRCC vote to endorse in a given race:
     o In field races impacting any part of Union Township including but not limited to township trustee, school board or fiscal officer, a simple majority vote of committeemen present, a quorum having been established, shall be the threshold for endorsement.
     o For local issues impacting any part of Union Township but not the entity of the county, a 2/3 affirmative vote of committeemen present, a quorum having been established, shall be the threshold for endorsement.
     o In all other cases, the threshold required for endorsement will be in accordance with the then current CCRCC endorsement policy.
• Secret ballots will be used to select candidates for endorsement. Each committeemen present shall receive one endorsement vote per number of positions to be elected to a given office.
• Committeemen may vote for any given candidate only once per endorsement vote.
• All voting results are to be tallied in plain sight of committeemen and totals are to be announced in full.

Section 2 – Revocation of Endorsement
• Endorsements may be revoked in a subsequent special meeting called for that purpose pursuant to Article 3 of the UTRCC Constitution. If an endorsement is revoked, a new endorsement may be considered in that same special meeting. Revocation of an endorsement shall require the following:
     o Revocation of a prior candidate endorsement shall require a 2/3 majority vote of committeemen present; a quorum having been established.
     o Revocation of a prior issue endorsement shall require a 2/3 affirmative vote of committeemen present; a quorum having been established.
• Secret ballots will be used for votes to revoke a candidate or issue endorsement.